
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Two Poems by Darren C. Demarree


for Phil Stutzman

Youth and elsewhere,
we were born on
the gravel of Lamb

Park, the scuttled
bearing  of un-
clean dirt, where our

knees first learned blood
would come with each
flight in the field.


for the manager at the Kroger’s

Yes, I saw, in fact I read it
out-loud to my daughter that we
we’re not supposed to ride inside

the cart, but with my son sitting
under buckle, we had no choice,
but to chance that she might, at some

point, stand up to reach for pancake
mix.  The running and singing was
my fault.  We were having such fun.

Darren C. Demaree is living in Columbus, Ohio with his wife and children.  He is the author of "As We Refer to Our Bodies (September 29, 2013) and Not For Art Nor Prayer (2014), both are forthcoming from 8th House Publishing.  He is the recipient of two Pushcart Prize nominations and a Best of the Net nomination.

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