
Monday, September 22, 2014

A Poem by Helen Losse

Come, See the Moon and Their Special Effects

In an up-coming movie,
whose trailer looks like a rum commercial,

the Atlantic boasts of sunken ships--
in a secluded cove along the rock-lined shore--

that hold box after box of full, brown bottles,
stashed by pirates--mustached and tattooed like

Johnny Depp--and water-choked with
golden coin, visible only in torrid moonlight.

Helen Losse is the author of six collections of poetry, including Facing a Lonely West, Seriously Dangerous, Mansion of Memory, and Better With Friends.  Her poems have been included in various anthologies, such as Literary Trails of the North Carolina Piedmont, an are forthcoming in The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume VII:  North Carolina, and Kakalak 2014.  She is an Associate Editor for Kentucky Review.  

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